This question was submitted by one of our readers. If you have a question you want me to answer go here to submit it: Fraternity Advice.
My fraternity needs help with easy and quick fundraisers. Were low on money and have a lot of big events coming up. Any ideas?
I have written extensively on fraternity fundraising ideas. I suggest you first check out my past fraternity fundraising articles and read my article Fraternity Fundraising.
Also, I have a chapter of my book (The Fraternity Leader) which is titled How to Fundraise $40,000 for your Fraternity. It gives 18 great fundraising ideas and gives a step by step guide on how to run them. This is a must read for someone in your situation.
To answer your question though – this is what I would do if I had to raise money for the fraternity fast:
5 Quick Fraternity Fundraising Ideas
First, I would be sure all brothers are current on their dues. If any brother owes back dues, then the president and treasurer need to talk to him and explain the financial situation of the chapter and get him to pay at least a portion of what he owes.
Second, I would host a raffle. These are quick and easy, and can bring in a lot of money fast. Here is my article on how to set one up: Fraternity Raffle Fundraiser.
Third, I would have some type of party where you can sell something at the door to your guests. For example, I’d have a Mardi Gras party and sell beads to all your guests. This is a great, fun fundraiser.
Fourth, I would be sure to trim the fat out of your existing budget. Are you spending money on stuff that isn’t necessary? Eliminating frivolous spending is one way to get some quick cash.
Fifth, have every brother write one article for my site under this program: Earn Cash for your Fraternity. I will pay $5 to your fraternity for each article that I publish.
These are five down and dirt fraternity fundraising ideas. A motivated fraternity can do all those things in less than a week!
This question was submitted by one of our readers. If you have a question you want me to answer go here to submit it: Fraternity Advice.