Pledge movies are great. They provide the pledges an opportunity to bond, and they are a lot of fun for the rest of the chapter. This task should be included in every pledge program.
The idea of the pledge movie is simple enough – have the pledges make a movie. The chapter can provide them with a few basic ideas they want to see incorporated in the video, but the majority of the movie should be left up to the pledges.
More often than not, the pledges will provide a pretty entertaining video. It is best if the movie is watched by the chapter for the first time together. This will create a chapter event and will inevitably make the movie seem better than it is (kind of like how a movie is funnier at a theater with hundreds of other laughing people as opposed to your living room by yourself).
A bigger benefit than the entertainment value of the project is the bonding opportunity it forces the pledge class to have. They will have to work together to reach a common goal, and they will have a tangible product of their hard work. They will learn to function as a team and should have a good time when doing it. It is a win/win for everyone involved.