How do you Plan a Major Fraternity Anniversary?

Fraternity Anniversary

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How do you plan a Major Fraternity Anniversary?


To be honest, I don’t have much experience in this area. There are a few things I would concentrate on though.

First, regardless of the type of event you are going to have, you need to plan it far in advance. Alumni have different priorities than undergrads, so give them time to fit the fraternity event into their schedule.

Second, you need to make sure the event is catered to the alumni if you expect them to attend. Remember that their wives may not understand the connection to the fraternity and may not be eager to attend the event. Also, be sure you make hotel arraignments easy, close and affordable for the alumni.

Third, you need to make sure that there are a few alumni involved in the planning of the event. If they are excited about the event, then chances are they will get the other alumni excited as well. This is essential for a good turnout.

Fourth, make it a point to try to celebrate brothers from all eras. I would put together a slide show and have it continually running in the background with hundreds of pictures that span the life of the fraternity. Ask the alumni brothers for pictures to include in this presentation.

Finally, keep the costs reasonable. A $100 a plate dinner won’t appeal to a lot of alumni, especially when you factor in the driving/hotel costs of the weekend. Remember that the celebration is about the brotherhood, and it really isn’t necessary to spend a lot of money.

Thanks for the question. If anyone has insight that could help, please leave a comment below.

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