Just like the Mardi Gras theme, some ideas are just too easy. The fraternity beach party idea falls into that category. While some fraternities may feel the idea it too played out and is cliché – they are wrong. There is a reason why beach parties are so popular with fraternities – they are awesome.
The level of effort that goes into the party will determine its success. Sure, trucking in sand to put in the front yard is nice. But trucking in enough sand to create a beach a foot deep is nicer. And if you want to do even better than that, you can put the sand in the house!
The fencing you use can also make the party. If you live in the south, you can cut bamboo down to make a fence around the party to create that tropical ambiance. It sure beats the look of black tarp.
For extra credit, you can put a kiddie pool or hot tub in your new beach. Remember, a beach without water is a desert.
Finally, no beach party is complete without beach music. Your fraternity should be able to find a guy with a guitar who can entertain the masses with Jimmy Buffet music that will surely attend your event. Be sure every brother wears the most god-awful Hawaiian shirts so the brothers stand out from the crowd.
If your fraternity can’t have fun with this setup, then it has serious issues.