Drug use should not be allowed in a fraternity house. Drugs are illegal and drugs on fraternity property puts the entire chapter at risk. It also is sure to turn-off members and potential...
Category: Fraternity Issues
There are famous fraternity members in nearly every field. Famous fraternity men include presidents, politicians, leaders of industry, entertainers, authors, innovators and hall of fame...
Fraternity's do a terrible job in regards to public relations. The negative stories about fraternities outnumber the positive stories by about 100 to 1. However, you can choose to be part of the...
Joining a fraternity can be a rewarding experience. It can make your college life richer than you imagine. However, joining the wrong fraternity can make your life miserable. The pros of joining a...
Thefraternityadvisor.com is well over a decade old. Unfortunately, I get some variation of the “Should I quit my fraternity” question way too often. No one can tell you if you should or...
House Question 1: I'm in a newer fraternity that just celebrated our two years of being a chapter. We have run into the problem of not having a chapter house on a campus that doesn't have a ton of...