Over the next 31 days The Fraternity Advisor will publish one article a day focused on sharing great fraternity recruitment ideas.
The following are the rest of the articles and will be updated daily:
Day 1: This was a limited time offer to receive a copy of my book The Fraternity Leader – How to Make your Chapter The Best on Campus. The first chapter of the book is titled “Fraternity Recruitment Made Easy” and is 18 pages dedicated to developing a system that will help you recruit to your maximum ability. Be sure to check the book out on Amazon.
Day 2: 11 Fraternity Recruitment Chair Responsibilities
Day 3: How to Double Your Fraternity Recruitment Class
Day 4: Don’t Recruit Jonboy
Day 5: Joe’s Best 8 Recruitment Tips
Day 6: Review of Good Guys – The Eight Steps to Limitless Possibility For Fraternity Recruitment
Day 7: The Most Important Brother During Fraternity Recruitment
Day 8: Which Fraternity Should I Pick?
Day 9: The Best Fraternity Recruitment Resource
Day 10: My Fraternity Recruitment Pet-Peeve
Day 11: Girlfriends During Fraternity Recruitment?
Day 12: Wasting Money During Fraternity Recruitment
Day 13: Why I Joined a Fraternity
Day 14: 11 Things You Can Do Today to Improve Fraternity Recruitment
Day 15: Get the University to Recruit For You
Day 16: Why You Should NOT Join a Fraternity
Day 17: How to Get Rid of the Undesirable Guy During Fraternity Rush
Day 18: Give Your Brothers a Reason to Rush
Day 19: Jon’s Best Fraternity Recruitment Advice
Day 20: A Few Things To Keep In Mind About Rush – David Stollman’s Thoughts
Day 21: Getting Known: Building Your Chapter’s Brand Identity
Day 22: Numbers Aren’t the Issue: Focus on Quality
Day 23: Basic Recruiting Skills: Become the Expert
Day 24: Motivating Our Members to Recruit
Day 25: Fraternity Recruitment with Orientation Counselors and Resident Advisors
Day 26: Dennis’ Best Fraternity Recruitment Tip: Rush Develops Skills That Will Make You Successful in Life
Day 27: 10 Fraternity Brothers I Recruited
Day 28: Why IFC Rush is Like Online Dating
Day 29: Fraternity Recruitment Rankings
Day 30: The Most Important Requirement for Fraternity Rush
Day 31: Rush is Over – Now What?
To learn more, check out our most in-depth article on fraternity recruitment: The Complete Guide to Fraternity Recruitment.